006: Happy 2010! Jellies, Addiction, Guilt and Animal Crossing

Recorded Jan 28th 2010 – Welcome 2010! In this episode we cover: Dave discusses his “Daveness”, Concord gallery McGowan Fine Art’s “Love, Lust & Desire”, a valentine-themed exhibition running through the month of February. Sid mentions a Fashion and Portrait workshop he will be hosting on Feb 20 & 21 by NYC Fashion Photographer Simon Gerzina, the Penny Arcade Expo East (PAXEast) in Boston, waxes nostalgic about his decade of attending the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Dave talks a little about how things are going with his Design projects. We give props to Bryan Thomas for using some of his original music for our show opening/closing. Dave talks about local “Jelly” co-working days of which Studio99 hosts on Friday in Nashua and the growing Float Left Labs in Manchester. Sid goes off on a tirade about Role Playing Games, and his addiction to and ultimate guilt over the videogame Animal Crossing.

Links to things mentioned in this podcast:

005: Happy Holidays! Guest Elise MacDonald of Studio 99

Originally recorded on December 29, 2009 in Sid’s studio, Sid and Dave quickly cover their Christmas presents, and then settle into a long discussion with guest (and good friend) Elise MacDonald, a music teacher who inadvertently started the alternative live music “listening room” STUDIO 99 in the heart of downtown Nashua. Topics range from the genesis of Elise’s business, the challenges facing the local music enthusiast, how creative collaborations start, and many other topics of shared mirth. Though the focus is somewhat regional, the experiences we share are probably applicable to many other mid-sized towns outside major cultural city centers. Links to some of the topics we mention are available on the podcast home page.

People, Places, Things mentioned in the podcast:

004: Fancy Lenses, Tiny Websites, Narcoleptic Owls, and Toy Robots

Originally recorded on December 6, 2009 in Sid’s studio, we cover a number of local artist endeavors. On the camera side of things: our local camera store closes, using professional equipment rentals (which are surprisingly affordable), fancy lenses. On the design side: Dave talks about his new “transparent design company” project, the mentality of starting from scratch and the comparatively smaller needs of starter web clients. In local artist news, we talk about “The Button Factory Artist Studios” in Portsmouth, NH. We chat about artist Heidi Brunnell’s “Narcoleptic Owls”; Alen Yen, Japanese robot toy enthusiast, learning to make and manufacture his own robot toys; Vanessa Leigh, model and actress; The work of Bryan Thomas and Elise MacDonald in making local music “listening room” Studio 99 an important part of our local music scene.

Stuff we talked about in the podcast

003: Guests, Hotdogs, and Photo Shoots

Local artists Sara Prindiville and Mike Weinstein sit in as we do a quick 15-minute recap of what we are up to in the neighborhood. Also: an enthusiastic review of The Sausage King of Nashua’s Bacon and Blue Cheese Hotdog. Recorded November 6, 2009.

Links to stuff we mentioned in the podcast:

002: Workshops, Selling on Amazon, and Brotherhood of the Wolf

In our second podcast, Sid relates how his fourth “Portable Portrait” workshop went well despite the rain. Dave describes how he started selling his Emergent Task Planner pads through Amazon Fulfillment, and discusses cost issues. Sid summarizes an afternoon shoot for a local skeptic, which becomes a discussion over the difficulty of pricing services such that the consumer can understand them. Finally, Sid tries to convince a skeptical Dave that “Brotherhood of the Wolf” is an awesome movie.

001: Introducing Sid Ceaser and Dave Seah

After the umpteenth animated discussion about how to make this “creativity” thing work, my buddy Sid Ceaser and I decided to do a podcast. So this afternoon, we pointed microphones at each other and chewed the fat. Our initial conversation covers, loosely, creativity and business. The session kicks off with Sid’s story about photographing Ben Slavin, whom Sid met at the Strobist meetup, prior to Ben’s motorcycle ride to the tip of South America, and from there we get into a general discussion about what drives creative things we do, balaninge between the need to do art versus the necessity of commercializing it, and finding what you want to say and what you love to do, and having the guts to follow through.